A documentation of Say No Campaign activities – 2021
The Say No Campaign-Nigeria project presented an opportunity for its networks at the state level to intensify the anti corruption movement in the country. Introduction:
Individuals at local levels are most relevant in driving community development and good governance in their communities and states. While the government designs its budget or development initiatives for its communities, it behooves on members of the community to ensure that it delivers on those plans, especially where funds are allocated and released. Popular participation and social audit should therefore come natural to communities who are desirous of development and responsible leadership.
Every community in Nigeria laments about unaccountable leadership, however, personal responsibility that is needed to hold government officials accountable is largely ignored by many, hence, public officials trample on the rights and privileges of the masses. In order to transform our communities to enable government work for the people, Say No Campaign designed an accountability movement to be driven by community members who will consciously influence budget, monitor and score implementation of government projects.
The Labour and trade unions were also identified as critical partners in addressing abandoned projects and improving budget implementation across states. Being that they exist in all sectors, institutions and accustomed to making demands on welfare and better remuneration packages, their expertise in mobilization, negotiation and engagement skills can benefit public accountability.
Say No campaign chose to engage the different unions in the key sectors including education, health, transportation and civil service to nudge them to utilize their skills for public good. Although these unions primarily exist for the interest of their members, however, by engaging in social audit, monitoring budget provisions and implementation in the sectors which they operate, they will be able to raise red flags where there are inconsistencies as well as promote transparency in government institutions, which by extension benefits their members. The roundtable dialogue sought to achieve a network of union members dedicated to collectively monitor budget implementation in selected sectors of the Nigerian economy. This exercise seeks to wake community members to their responsibilities as collaborators for good governance.
Having engaged communities and unionists in Lagos, Enugu, Edo, Akwa Ibom, Kano, Borno states and the Federal Capital Territory on their roles in facilitating accountable government in their local communities and states, the campaign moved to build the capacity of the volunteers (Community Anticorruption Working Group) from these states for effective oversight and social audit function.
This publication documents the activities of Say No Campaign-Nigeria in advancing anticorruption objectives from January 2021 to November 2021, promoting its state anticorruption networks that has become proactive in advancing attitudinal change and prodding public accountability at both national and sub-national levels in all sectors. This publication highlights the major outcomes and success stories of Say No Campaign’s intervention in 2021.